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Why diversity matters: Representation within the Life Sciences industry

In this latest article, we look at the importance of diverse representation within clinical trials, and equally the life sciences industry as a whole, and why this matters. 

The report discusses the following points in further detail:

  • Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) and specifically Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) are being put at the forefront of many businesses’ strategic objectives; the life sciences sector is no exception. It is vital for diversity in all its facets, to become a major focus for those that both lead and influence the industry, but it also is critical that it is a major focus area within clinical trial research for the advancement of modern medicine to continue to develop.
  • Lack of trust amongst ethnic communities towards participation in clinical trial participation is compounding health disparities and inequalities for underrepresented groups. Not being provided representation in clinical trials has resulted in minority groups lacking confidence in the safety and effectiveness of a drug as evidenced in the uptake of the COVID-19 vaccination.
  • Modern medicine is evolving, with both the industry and its regulators placing a higher value on diversity and inclusion in all its facets. More work needs to be done to ensure a level playing field, alongside the importance of science being seen as a way of benefitting all, ensuring all societal groups are included in scientific development for advancement to be truly felt.
  • Accreditation for women in scientific research continues to deteriorate, despite an increase in female participation in the life sciences industry. Women are still much less likely to have accredited representation in the same way as men, despite making up 50% of the workforce; and despite an increase in female representation in STEM, the gap in papers and patents has only widened.

To find out more, read the full report here: CLS Insights – Why diversity matters – representation within the life sciences industry.

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